"The Storyteller" by Jodi Picoult I have to say that it's been a few years since I bothered picking up one of her books. The last few I did read seemed to mirror her other pieces too much for me and I just gave up. I had read a review about her latest though and everyone was raving that this was her best yet so I got brave and picked it up. Could not put it down! Loved the storyline of this book and it was so well written you get hooked very easily.
"Wedding Night" by Sophie Kinsella I have a deep love for a Kinsella read if you haven't noticed from my previous book posts. I just think they are the perfect summer read. I'm about halfway down with this and have loved it. I did like her last two, but I think so far this one rates higher for me.
"The Happiest Baby on The Block" by Dr. Harvey Kemp Yeah so apparently, their is a dvd version of this book and I learn that halfway through reading it. Great read...will put it to the test in July. Also, boy has informed me he'll just hunt down the dvd rather reading it.
To Read:
"Heart of the Matter" by Emily Griffin Can you sense I'm on a chick-lit role right now. I bought this a few months ago and need to get around to reading it.
"The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom I've heard really good things about this book as well so I'm hoping to pick it up this month.
So, I'd love to hear what's on your nightstand or kindle. Any summer must reads we should check out?
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