Monday, April 5, 2010

proof that picking by team colors really does work

I won our family NCAA bracket. Hooray! It makes me so sad that we weren't watching KU play in it tonight, but I'll admit getting to keep this trophy for a year and beat out all the guys and their fancy ESPN knowledge sort of makes up for it.

Oh and despite what some family members may say I do not pick by "the cuter mascot".

That only worked one year.


mk said...

Wow, you guys have trophies made?! Fancy!

Unknown said...


My husband's family is HUGE on the Kentucky Derby (being from KY and all), but me, I have no idea what I'm doing... However, I win almost every year because I pick the jockey wearing my favorite colors!


Heather said...

HA!!! I love that you won!!!! Too cool!!!!! You are so funny! Enjoy your victory!

Lauren said...

YAY, you go girl!!!! :)