Saturday, March 27, 2010

Guest Room Part 1

So, we have this poor pitiful forgotten room in our house that serves as a lame excuse of a guest room. When we moved into our house we somehow inherited some old bedroom furniture that my parent's had no use for. I gratefully took it and tossed it in a spare room threw a Pottery Barn duvet over it to tone down it's disco vibe all while saying I'll mess it with it another day.

That was 4 years ago and from the pictures you can see that Pottery Barn, although wonderful, can only do so much to help disguise the orangey wood. Although while taking it a part boy commented "I think it's this not in style?" Really?

So the rooms getting a new do because later boy acknowledge his decorating opinion doesn't count. I should also give you some more background information. We will most likely be putting our house up on market within the next year or two. We're dreaming of some land and since we're in no rush we're just kind of slowly taking are time fixing up some parts of the house while we wait on the market to look a little shinier.

With that in mind I'm not tossing in a lot of money into this room. I'm going shabby chic cheap here and trying to decorate with what I have. I thought of painting the furniture, but it really crowds an already small room so an upholstered headboard came to mind. It was so much easier than I could have imagined and ridiculously cheap. Less than $40!! I used the matelasse I showed you in the last post and hung it on the wall.

Here's how it turned out. What do you think?

So that's all the progress on the room. I'll share more pictures as I progress.


Kristin said...

Love it!! I've wanted to make an upholstered headboard but have been too scared. Maybe I should give it a try!

Page said...

I love it too!! Great idea!

The Bonjour Four said...

looks great! great idea!