Monday, January 20, 2014

baby favorites {0-6 months}

i used a lot of blogs and mommy friends to draw guidance from on what we'd really use those first few months.  it was such a help to hear what works for some and what doesn't for others because that first trip to babies "r" us is a tad overwhelming.  i thought i'd do a few of our favorites that we have loved and used daily over the last 6 months.  i've really learned that every baby is different and so what may work for one doesn't for another.  live and learn or return.  i could probably do a rather long post on the things i thought we'd get the most use out of and haven't.  feel free to add some of your first 6 month must haves in the comments.

1. bumbo.  i heard so many mixed reviews on this.  some babies love it and some hated it.  i received one at a shower and decided to just keep it boxed up in his closet with the gift receipt so if he wasn't showing any interest i could take it back.  thankfully, declan has absolutely loved it.  he loves being upright checking everything out.

2. swaddle design marquisette blanket.  i love these.  i love the aden+anais too, but you can't beat the price on these.  they're incredibly soft and with them being so lightweight they're perfect for a summer baby.

3. snug-a-puppy.  this thing has become family to us.  i bought this, fisher price rock n' play, on a whim thinking we'd use our mamaroo a majority of the time, but that it might be nice to have something more lightweight to move around the house.  who knew he'd sleep in it for the first 3.5 months.  this thing saved us and is perfect for reflux babies being at an incline. 

4.  dapple dish soap.  kind of pricey for soap, but and babies "r" us always seem to have it buy one get one free.  i love that it's all natural, but it being low sud and having baking soda in it keeps me buying it.  i can wash pump parts and bottles much quicker with this than anything else.

5. aden+anais bibs.  declan's always been a bottle gulper so we have to put a bib on him.  these fit perfectly around the neck and do a great job of absorbing dribbles.  also nice to keep on him as he teeths and is drooling up a storm.

6. sophie the giraffe.  oh how we love our sophie.  i actually had one as a baby and so i registered for one more for sentimental reasons.  my husband thought it was ridiculous that a chew toy could have a $20 price tag.  but declan loves this thing and will chew on her forever and i guarantee you boy would run out and buy a dozen more for all the peace and quiet she brings.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

::six months::

dear declan,

my sweet are you halfway to a year already?  i told your daddy this weekend that, if i'm this emotional with you turning 6 months, i'm for sure going to be a hot mess on your first day of kindergarten.  so y'all have been warned.

this past month you have grown leaps and bounds.  you're weighing in at over 17 lbs and those size 2 diapers that seemed big last month are being squeezed into to finish up the box.  you're still in most 3-6 month clothes, but not for long with you being so tall.  

we celebrated your first Christmas this month and it was the absolute best.  we loved watching you take it all in and can't wait for all the Christmases to come.  you love your car walker and exploring in it as long as you can see daddy or me.  if we get out of sight we hear about it.  you're also babbling up a storm and grabbing anything you can get your hands on.  right now you love grabbing our faces and handing out slobbery kisses.  it doesn't get any sweeter than that for this mama.  you also love looking at books and are helping to turn the pages when you aren't trying to chew on them.  you love watching basketball with us, especially cheering on our jayhawks.  you'll just stare at the tv as they run back and forth across the court.  daddy is loving that time with you.

you had one off week of sleep, i think your reflux might have been acting up, but otherwise you're a great sleeper.  you love sleeping on your tummy and when you wake up you just roll over chatting away as happy as can be (not sure where you get this from).  you're not much of napper, more just a few cat naps here and there.  we also tried out some bananas this past week in addition to the cereal.  you're doing really well with it, i'm just not so sure you're loving the taste.

somedays i feel like my heart will burst with how much i love you little man.  i praise God for choosing me to be your mama.  

all my love,

Thursday, January 16, 2014

a memo to pug #10

To: Pug
From: Upper Management
Date: 1/16/14
RE: Toys

Dear Pug,

As you are well aware there's been an influx in brightly colored and obnoxiously loud musical toys in the house.  We must reiterate that even though these toys have come into your domain they do not belong to you and we would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from destroying them. 

To be more specific there was that incident last week where you looked at me then proceeded to lift your leg and urinate on the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn table.   From which we found that, I neither laughed and you neither learned not to do it again when you tried the next day.  Hopefully, we can avoid these rather unpleasant clean-ups in the future.  And while we're on the subject I should probably prepare you for the fact that this is only the beginning and whether you want to or not you will be forced against your will to participate as baby bro gets mobile. 

Upper Management & our new Jr. Associate

past memos to pug can be found here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9}

Thursday, January 9, 2014

happy belated new year

Yeah so my kid's new year's resolution is apparently to stay up all night (happy belated new year by the way!!). Goodness, this mama has been running on nothing.  Thankfully, last night was so much better so I'm hoping I don't have to dust off that baby sleep book that I failed to finish a few months ago.  In fact I think I read like two pages before it put me to was that riveting.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!   A little Christmas recap...Declan's first Christmas was flat out amazing.  Just seeing him take it all in was just the best.  I know he won't remember his first Christmas, but I will remember for him as long as I live.  That night when boy climbed into bed he goes "this was the best day".  I couldn't agree more.

Little man and his two favorite gifts...his car and his pooh bear!

I have to tell you that car is not one of the pugs favorite things.  Just when they're getting used to him taking all the attention, now they're going wait he's mobile??  What up with that?

We've already had a few pug collisions in the kitchen.