
Friday, January 28, 2011

memo to pug #8

To: Pug
From: Upper Management
Date: 1/28/11
RE: Houdini Stunt

Dearest Pug,

The next time you get the urge to escape out of our fenced in backyard and have me chase you down the street first thing in the morning; would you do me a favor and please let me know in advance so I can put a bra on first.

many thanks,
Girl (and probably the neighborhood too)

{past memos to pug can be found here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7}


  1. Hilarious!! Our pug used to like to escape and run to the neighbors house. Which was fine unless it was like 2am when she had convinced us she just needed to go out back and go potty--but was really planning her escape and then woke up the neighbors by clawing frantically at their front door. Good thing they were friends of ours...

  2. Sheesh! ALL the neighbors know Fuji (AKA Foo-dini) and just bring her back. I can't tell you how many times I've gone frantic when I didn't see her out back, only to fing her scratching at the front door.
    Sorry @ the underwear malfunction :)

  3. So funny, but I know what you mean, puggies are so fast when they escape. I always think of Madagascar when the zebra is running to born free. Glad you caught the little one okay. Thanks for the morning smile.

  4. Hahaha oh I love it! I need to start a running memo to Einstein too. He does a lot of the same things! Little fart!

  5. Bahaha! Pugs can just be so inconsiderate.

  6. Love it! By the way, I nominated you for a Stylish Blogger Award, Check out my blog for details!

  7. Love Pugs! How sweet. I love that face :]
