
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

book shopping

Well it's been awhile since we talked books...I always love hearing what books are tickling your fancy!  I have to be honest and say I think I went the good month of December without picking up a thing to read.  But now that the craziness of the season is over I'm on a book hoarding mission.  I also told myself this year I'd utilize the kindle app on my ipad more, but I keep finding these great used books and some great deals on newer ones so my book pile is looking a bit overwhelming at the moment.  But here's what's on my nightstand for this month.


"Decision Points" by George W. Bush - fascinating read and so glad that I had a chance to read it.  I loved hearing his thoughts regarding certain events.  It's not light reading though so it took me awhile with this one, but worth it.

"The Wedding" by Nicholas Sparks- this is an older book of his and it's one that I've had for awhile sitting on my shelf.  It's sort of a continuation of "The Notebook" and I have to be honest and say it was just sort of boring.   Not my fav. of his is a good way of putting it.

"The Courage Tree" by Diane Chamberlain- good read...kind of predictable though.  Anyone have any better recommendations of hers besides Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes?

"The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins....- ABSOLUTELY loved this book!  It's crazy to me because I read the back and was like this is so not my genre of book and even went into it going I'm not going to like this, but I LOVED it and could not put it down.  I never read Harry Potter or Twilight if that helps sway you to read it.  Definitely worth the read.


"Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen- just started and love this book so far.  I figured I'd better read it before the movie comes out.  Love Reese Witherspoon!

To Read:

"How to Bake a Perfect Life" by Barbara O'Neal....-Target had this one on a big display shelf on sale...I couldn't resist it's cover is super cute.

"Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins.... -hope it's as good as the first!

"The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" by Ree Drummond- cannot wait to read this!!

What's on your list?


  1. i saw the preview for water for elephants and it looks good. I might just have to read that book too! thanks for all of your suggestions. love the picture you took!

  2. "Catching Fire" is the BEST of the series... if you liked the first, you'll LOVE the 2nd!!!!

    i've got to read "Water for Elephants" before the movie comes out too!

  3. I bought Water for Elephants a long time ago, and it sort of disappeared into the back of my book shelf. I've been planning to dig it out and read it before the movie!

    And The Courage Tree is the only Diane Chamberlain book I've read that I didn't really care for. (I know, I should have warned you!) I think Breaking The Silence is even better than CeeCee. It's definitely one of the best books I've ever read.

  4. Just picked up Water for Elephants and can’t wait to read. Gotta read it before the movie comes out!!! :)

  5. My list consists of:
    "Water for Elephants"
    "The Help" - I'm late to the party.
    "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man"
    "Of Bees and Mist"
    "High Tea"

    Can't wait to hear what you think of "Water for Elephants" when you finish it. We'll have to discuss it!

  6. I enjoyed Water for Elephants. I just finished Catching Fire, I think it was even better than Hunger Games. I hope Mockingjay finishes the series up well. I'm reading The Book Thief right now but am not far enough in to decide if I like it or not.

  7. Hunger Games and Catching Fire are amazing. I just finished Mockingjay last night and although I have mixed feelings about it, it was still really good.

    I love Water for Elephants. It's such a perfect read. I can't wait for the movie.

  8. I read Hunger Games and Catching Fire but never did get the last book since I read about the end in the reviews and lets just say they weren't well received! ha! And I SOOOO want Black Heels to Tractor Wheels! Gotta go put that one on my Amazon wish list!

  9. I loved the whole Hunger Games series and thought the same thing when I read the back. Water for Elephants is on my list as well as Decision Points, Unbroken and The Hangman's Daughter. Other good reads that I just finished... Room (fabulous!!!) and Half-broke Horses.
