
Monday, February 27, 2012

a memo to pug #10

To: Pug
From: Upper Management
Date: 2/27/12
RE: The Loo

Dear Pug,

In regards to this morning's noteworthy event, I ask that you please refrain from using Landry as a fire hydrant from now on.  I'm sure Landry would be most appreciative to avoid any unnecessary baths as well.  I understand you are extremely inpatient when someone is using a spot you so desperately want, but take note...if said spot is occupied please.

My Sincerest Appreciation,

past memos to pug can be found here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8 and 9}


  1. Oh no! Pug, I think I'm with management and poor Landry on this one.

  2. Every time I read the memos to Pug, I laugh until I nearly - well, you know.

    Pugs are just the funniest things, and we love them all them more. Our Cairns did the same thing. (I did not think it was funny, then!)

    Our current little ball of fur keeps us laughing at the things she does. Dogs make our lives so much more interesting and fun.

    Love to Pug and Landry.
