
Thursday, January 16, 2014

a memo to pug #10

To: Pug
From: Upper Management
Date: 1/16/14
RE: Toys

Dear Pug,

As you are well aware there's been an influx in brightly colored and obnoxiously loud musical toys in the house.  We must reiterate that even though these toys have come into your domain they do not belong to you and we would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from destroying them. 

To be more specific there was that incident last week where you looked at me then proceeded to lift your leg and urinate on the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn table.   From which we found that, I neither laughed and you neither learned not to do it again when you tried the next day.  Hopefully, we can avoid these rather unpleasant clean-ups in the future.  And while we're on the subject I should probably prepare you for the fact that this is only the beginning and whether you want to or not you will be forced against your will to participate as baby bro gets mobile. 

Upper Management & our new Jr. Associate

past memos to pug can be found here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9}


  1. Oh pug! At least he hasn't tried claiming Declan in the same manner. ;-)

  2. A boy has to mark his things. Wait till Declan has a brother & the 'marking' really starts :) haha!

    (Did you cringe a little at the word "brother"?) :)

  3. oh my goodness I've missed keeping up with you!!! your memos to pug crack me up! so funny!!
