
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

sofa goldmine

I've kind of been in project mode lately. This is a bit unusual and also a bit dangerous. Boy always gets nervous when I reach this level because he knows his assistance is going to be called upon like for this project I saw on Southern Hospitality's blog. I love this idea...this girl's going to have to do some serious sweet talkin' to get this one done.

But this morning after organizing some spring inventory and giving the bathroom a good scrub down I decided to tackle the sofas.

It's amazing and ever so gross how stuff creeps in the sofa's black hole so I like to take a vacuum to it every now and again. Then I tell boy no more eating on the sofa EVER again...which lasts about 30 minutes. It's worth a try.

And did I mention that pug decided to help when he found a goldfish cracker under the first cushion?

So as one of us is vacuuming and the other is snacking we come across something hard in the corner of the sofa. Pug gets very excited at what sort of big crumb this could be and goes at it clawing away to retrieve it. I shimmied my hand in there just right and low and behold pull this bad boy out.

The official missing phone from this previous blog post. I just knew it'd come back. I'm so excited!

After some praises for pug I asked him if this was his reimbursement for the heels of mine he decided to devour.

He's now out of the doghouse (no pun intended).


  1. haha too funny!!!!! My BFF has a pug too, they are just toooooooo cute!!!!! Hope you had a good day!!! :o)

  2. Yay!!! ha..that is so funny! those couches are like black holes indeed! Glad you found it!

  3. aahh - he's made up with you! Good pug!

  4. My pug wishes he was so lucky to find a goldfish cracker in the couch. I'm sure if I ever took the cushins out, he would have himself a good little snack.

  5. My dog also likes to help me clean! And is always in my way:)

  6. I'd probably eat the goldfish cracker, too.
    I can't help myself. Even linty-sofa goldfish crackers are yummy.

  7. have i ever told you that you are one of my favorite writers? i absolutely love how you tell a story!

    ok. so i attacked my couch this week too and found a very expensive pair of in ear monitor headphones...the ones we use at church - and they were busted. yikes! i disposed of them quietly and im pretty sure theyre "still lost".


  8. Oh pugger!!!

    Wait -- where did you get his cute collar??

  9. Crack me up!! I do the same thing about the sofa and swear off eating and drinking on it, and hello I am doing the next day or the next hour!

  10. Lol! Just as well you dog didn't decide to eat the phone! :O

  11. That is hilarious that your phone was in there!!! Pug was a good helper!

  12. haha! hilarious! The couch monster and the dryer/sock monster are two of my biggest enemies!

  13. Your dog is like a character on your blog. It's funny. And you type the things you tell him.

    I don't own a dog. So I find all of this to be quite amuzing! :) He is a pug, after all.

  14. my husband tells me that the next post needs to be about the moose (which is the nickname for my dog). did i mention that she's a pub-chihuahua...she would so eat a goldfish and fuzz...and crumbs..and trash) if she it, too!

  15. oops---PUG-chihuahua...not a Pub dog, like she's at the bar all weekend or!
