
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ready for spring

Is it obvious that I have Restless Blog Design Syndrome? Because if it existed I seriously think I do. I love changing it up and Kelly did a fabulous job once again!! I'm so ready for spring {only 5 more days till March... whoa}. I had her go a little more mod & simple this time around and I also melt just a little seeing all the cute clothes in the dark blue, turquoise and lime. CANNOT GET ENOUGH!

Anyone else ready for spring?


  1. LOVE it!!! I've had a design in my head for awhile -- I'm contacting her!

  2. Soooo right there with you! Can't wait for spring...i have the cutest purse that i'm dying to carry! GREAT new it!

  3. I'm DYING for Spring to get here...

    Love the new look. I'll have to check Kelly out too!

  4. I love your new blog look. So cute!!!!!! :o)

  5. i can't wait for spring! Love the new look

  6. I love it! I am so ready and in 2 weeks we will be on the beach in the Bahamas!!! (no kids!)

  7. I can't wait for spring either! Love your new blog design!!

  8. YES! Bring it!! I love your new look!

  9. ha ha!! I just did a post about spring, great minds think alike huh?!!

  10. I am so ready for spring. I'm tired of the cold. Don't you love cleaning couches and finding treasures? I stopped by today as I'm working on visiting the many blogs from Bloggy Carnival now that I have time to read and comment.
