
Friday, October 31, 2014

happy halloween

from our cute little monkey!

we started out the day in a shirt my mom made for him that says "don't scare me...i poop easily!" how hilarious is that?  

then we headed out for some trick or treating.  we have been so blessed to have two neighbors that each have a boy a few months older and then a few months younger then declan.  i can't begin to tell you how many miles we have burned walking and talking with our friends...we love them both dearly.  well back in august i hadn't really been thinking halloween costumes, but happened to be in costco and they had just put costumes out so i picked one up because it was so cute.  i told the girls and they loved it and they each picked one up too.  so we decided to have the boys go as a "barrel of monkeys".  we had a sign on the wagon and they were so hilarious and precious in their costumes.  anyway a few of these pictures are from a few weeks ago when we did a dress rehearsal halloween because we had some sweet neighbors that would be moving before halloween.  

"what i earned all this candy and y'all are going to eat it after i go to bed?!?!"

and because there is something really funny about a crying monkey!

hope everyone had a fun evening!

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