
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

book shopping

I'm on a reading kick lately.  You know when you discover a new to you author and love the book so you read another, then you're reading another piece by them.  Yeah that's happening with Liane Moriarty's books right now.  I'm obsessed y'all.


 I started with her book "The Husband's Secret" and was hooked from the first chapter.  Then bought her newest "Big Little Lies" and it became my escape when baby napped for a few days...such a great read too.  Finally, I figured I'd better pick up a copy of "What Alice Forgot", the reason I even came across this author in the first place.  I'm about halfway done and am so sad for it to end (thankfully I only get to read a little here or there with my kid's refusal to nap).  I just love her writing style and love how they're witty yet suspenseful.  If you haven't read anything of hers before you must.  

I thought I'd add in what Mr. Declan is reading these days as well.  Right now our favorite is "The Day the Crayons Quit" by Drew Daywalt.  I think mama and daddy may be enjoying this book more, but he loves reading anything so we'll how this one.  This book is hilarious and so creative.  One we don't mind reading over and over again.

So, that's what were reading this month.  How about y'all?  What should we add to our list next?

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing a self challenge of reading as many books as I can this winter so I'm looking for some good ones - thanks for adding these to my list!
