
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

still here

Seriously, where has October gone?  October's been a busy month and it hasn't helped one bit that I'm in a bit of blog rut either.  So here we are inching closer to November and maybe I should start with a little recap to catch y'all up to speed on life here.

Declan's now 15 months!  Agh how is this possible?  He's just the got most lovable personality and constantly laughing and handing out slobbery kisses.  My mom made the ever so true comment that you can just not be in a bad mood around this kid!  We are just soaking these moments up for sure.  We also have a cruising baby in the house.  Not completely unassisted yet, but we've gotten about 12 steps all by ourself.  That confidence is building everyday.  It's the absolute craziest thing to go from one day having him crawling around to taking off wobbling across the kitchen towards you.  We're also into everything with this freedom now too...I'm having some second thoughts about putting up a Christmas tree this year for sanity purposes. ha!

Declan attended his second wedding of one of boy's colleagues these month.  This is also the second wedding Declan has been to in a barn.  Poor kid's going to grow up thinking you can only get married in a barn.  I am loving the barn trend pretty all lit up at night!

October wouldn't be complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch.  Five seconds after this picture was taken we toppled over and got trapped between some pumpkins.  He still loved it though!

We also, unfortunately, found out this month that boy's mom and Declan's Gigi has uterine cancer.  To be more specific the type is called MMMT, which is an extremely rare and rather aggressive form of uterine cancer.  We've spent the month charting territories of a world we'd frankly rather not chart nor wish for any other families to have to either.  There's very little information out there due to it's rarity.  If you feel so inclined to pray for Gigi, we'd be ever so humbled and grateful.  

I've promise to be better about blogging...I'll be back'll go bananas over his costume!

1 comment:

  1. praying for you and your family... cancer is a terrible thing to face and a mother/grandmother is just too precious... may you have peace and wisdom as you and your family go forward...
