
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

happy fourth!

I know a day late, but Happy 4th everyone!!  Hope y'all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend with good food and lots of fireworks.

In other unrelated, non-interesting but yet earth shattering news, pug has discovered the world's most comfy dog bed.

His little world is complete.

We go through dog beds fairly quickly around here because I wash the thing multiple times a month and we never miss a day where pug decides to drag his bed out of his room (the laundry room) and into the family room.  He does this for two reasons, (1) to drive me crazy (2) to show off his bed to any guests that might have stopped by. 

He can be quite the showboater.

So, I saw the Martha ones at PetSmart, and thought they'd be perfect.  I had to call around to a few stores to find the right size, but finally found it.  I brought it home for pug to give it his paw of approval. 

At first a little weary that it didn't come with a sleep number, but I poor thing is making do.

It even passes his chin rule (does anyone else have a pug that has to have their chin resting up when they sleep? ha)

I think it's increased the volume of his snoring though.


  1. Yes! Those beds are so cute...I always think that when I see them.

    My pups are super picky about the beds that they "love" otherwise I'd indulge and get one of these myself.

    Hope you had an awesome 4th!

  2. I am definitely a pillow girl! Pug looks super comfy. Did he ever leave his bed this weekend? Hope you had a great holiday too.

  3. Yes on the chin rest! Looks comfy. Sleep tight.

  4. Dear Martha knows dogs! We have so many things from the Petsmart line.


  5. The Mr. and I were just talking about how our "boys" need new, going to check these out at Pet's Mart...or as our fur kids prefer us to call it...Kid's Mart...they do NOT think they are pets ;-)

    Happy Belated 4th!

  6. Lol yes on the chin rest!! I love your blog, we have two pugs as well, they're too fun!

  7. Ida Claire will rest her head on ANYTHING. Sometimes, she'll be sitting on my lap and I'll have my hand up for something and she'll rest her chin on my mid air. She's a special one. Ha!
