
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the one where we discuss summer tv

Praise the Lord boy is finally feeling better.  He had an allergic reaction to the pain pills so we had to add in some benadryl, which made him rather loopy and some great humorous entertainment over the long weekend.  For my memory and to embarrass him I'll share one with you.  I walked into the room to check on him and pug sleeping next to him and our conversation went a little like this:

boy:  he's playing tricks on me.

me: who, hon, is playing tricks on you?

boy: that dog.

{insert pug looking at me with a this dude's lost it face}

me: how is he playing tricks on you?

boy: he's just being really sneaky.

poor pug...this sweet face always the blame. 

So, go figure I get a weekend to just be at home, stay in my jammies and there is not a single good thing on tv.  Isn't that how it always goes?  Even my Lifetime back-up channel was a bummer in selection.  Because I have nothing more exciting to discuss I felt today's post would be a good one to discuss the happenings of summer tv.

1. AMC's "The Killing": This had us hooked from the first good.  If you haven't watched it you must.  I can't wait for season 2!! 

2. My Yard Goes Disney:  Super cute for the family getting the backyard, but I don't know how I'd feel if I was the neighbor and had to stare at a giant Fantasia Mickey hat from my kitchen window.  The fuddy duddy in me also goes "isn't the kid going to outgrow this stuff in 2 years?". 

3. Food Network Star:  Love that it's back on.  Can't tell though yet who I'm rooting for...anyone else watching.  I try and workout while I watch this otherwise I'd sit there and eat...makes me so hungry all the yummy food.

4.  Big Brother:  Only 8.5 days away!!!!  Cannot wait.  Always the highlight of summer around our house.

5. Hot In Cleveland:  Two words...Betty White!  Super cute show.

6. Real Housewives of New Jersey:  I am enjoying this season way more than I ever have.  I think it's because the tension with Danielle was so overwhelming in the past.  Also can't wait for Dina's new show on HGTV...I've missed her. 

7. Flipping Out:  Can't wait for this tomorrow...Jeff cracks me up.

Sadly, this our just a few I try and catch during the week.  What summer shows are you watching?


  1. I don't know who I'm pulling for on Food network star either :/ I'm flip flopping between a couple.

    I'm looking forward to Design Star on HGTV in a couple weeks!

  2. I love summer TV. America's Got Talent, and Food Star are my faves.

  3. We got hooked on Rookie Blue last year! I love it :)

    Poor pug...the pups always get blamed for everything. Glad boy is feeling better tho!

  4. You NEED to watch Friday Night Lights!!!!!!!!!! :)

  5. YES I agree.. Watch Friday night lights!!! It is the best show ever!

    And that is totally funny about your dog being sneaky! Hahaha ;)

  6. I keep hearing about "My Yard goes Disney"... I keep missing it! Gotta rummage through that DVR!

    I'm all about Big Brother too... hope its a good year!

  7. Sneaky Sneaky Pug...he would make great sneaky friends with our youngest Schnauzer whom I call "Sneaks" b/c he always looks like he is plotting something ;-)

    LOVE Flipping Out...I think my hubby and I high fived when we saw that the new season is starting..haha!
