
Monday, July 11, 2011

double trouble

today we rocked pug's world.

meet goose.

we get to love on him for a bit.

i say bit, because we are foster pug parents now.

he's a 7 months old and a total cuddle bug.

as one of my birthday gifts, boy gave me the choice of adopting a foster dog or joining our local pug rescue (something we'd been thinking about doing for awhile).  i was really nervous because pug is my only spoiled four legged baby.  we joined the program last week and went through the process and got matched with this sweet thing today!  pug's a little unsure, but i know he will love having a playmate.

so i'm sure i will have many more stories to blog about through this journey.


  1. What a cutie! I bet you end up keeping him as Pug's new brother;-)
    What an amazing guys are the sweetest! Can't wait for all of the blog posts to come!

  2. So sweet! He is sooo cute. I'm sure Pug will adjust quickly

  3. that is so sweet! congrats on becoming a foster parent! i have been stalking my local pug rescue's website lately because there is a really cute brindle pug puppy up for adoption. my husband won't let me have another dog though since we already have 2. i think i'm going to donate money and supplies. it breaks my heart that there are so many up for adoption! i couldn't be a foster though. i would end up falling in love and insisting on keeping them!! good luck. can't wait to see more!

  4. How exciting! Goose is adorable! Please keep us posted on how Pug comes to terms with the new house guest.

  5. Goose! I love the name. And way to go you guys--that's an awesome thing to do...I couldn't do it b/c I'd keep 'em :)

    Pug will adjust..they always do. But when we got our 2nd dog, I cried for like a week b/c I didn't think there was any way for me to love 2 dogs. Dramatic much? Ended up being the best decision ever!

  6. Oh see... I couldnt foster... I could never give 'em back :) especially when they're that dang cute!!!

  7. Oh congrats that is a big step. We once talked about fostering Scotties, but never went through with it.


  8. Ohmygosh! So cute! I'm so happy for you for deciding to do this wonderful thing. We'll have to chat soon so you can tell me all about your experiences so far.

  9. awww how much fun!! congrats! goose is so cute!

  10. Good for you for fostering a pup! My roommate and I have been (sort of) fostering two kitties for a few months and they are super fun.

  11. Awww..He looks just like our puppy! That is going to be so hard to give him up when someone adopts him!
