
Thursday, July 14, 2011

"what gets out hummus? what gets out hummus?"

i cannot think of hummus without thinking of that episode from "friends".

truth betold i think everything reminds me of a "friends" episode.  i'm pretty sure i'm going to be 90 quoting "friends" episodes.

back to the hummus though.  we've recently fallen in love with this greek chain resturant and they make the world's best hummus and fresh hot pitas to go with it.  it's divine.  and you can buy it in tubs there too and then go home and eat it with a spoon if you like and no one will judge you except maybe the dog. 

i got the idea that i'd like to try to make hummus.  it's been on my mental list of culinary challenges for awhile so i thought i'd knock it off the list.  well i tried it and it failed.  it was just bland.  there are so many recipes out there that it's overwhelming choosing one, so i'm begging if you have found a good recipe for hummus, would you help a girl out?  because gosh darn i'm going to master the art of hummus if it kills me.

in pug related news, pug is warming up to our foster.  the first night was a little bit like a scene from "stepbrothers" where he was telling the foster what he can and cannot do so we're working on the whole sharing thing.  and our foster is such a love, unfortunately not a fully potty trained love, but still such a sweet cuddly pug.


  1. THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO MEET! Oh my gosh! I could reference friends every moment of my day!

    I love to eat hummus but I'm more than sure it would be an epic fail if I attempted to make it.

  2. This post makes me so happy. We are true soul sisters in our love of "Friends" and our use of the dialogue in regular everyday conversation. May it always be so...Amen! I need to try Hummus...:)

  3. OH- and I meant to add....
    "What do you mean you're not going?"
    "I'm not gonna THAT will accomplish the "not going!""

    HA!!!!! :)


  4. oh friends the best show ever!!! I have not hummus in so long now I really want some :) the pug is cute as ever :)

  5. ive never given hummus a try... now not sure i want to. :) let me know if you master it and then i might possibly give it a chance.

  6. I relate EVERYTHING to Friends...moving day: "PI-VOT!", Sick: "Can the doctor see me now?", Packing for a trip: "OH NO! Major shampoo explosion!"...I coudl go on and on. I am also ther with you on the pug potty training blues. They are a stubborna and hard breed to break! We need to email soon about our newbies :)

  7. I can't make good hummus to save my life. I love it from all different restaurants, but when I try and make it, it tastes almost rancid? It's terrible!

  8. I just saw your ruffled 8 dollar curtains on pinterest and clicked through your blog a little! So cute! I am going to try my hand at those ruffle curtains for my craft room! I will let you know when I am done and post about them {and link back of course}
