
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

reason #589 why we don't check out library books

Six years ago I loved going to the library.

You couldn't tear me away.

And then I got a dog.

Specifically a bookworm breed of pug who once in a blue moon has gotten his paws on a few other literary pieces here and here.

I was on day two of reading Ms. Fey's new book.  Which I might add is hilarious.  So hilarious in fact that you may want to avoid reading it in public places due to the occasional embarrassing laughing outbursts.  Oh and you may even wear a pair of depends because it's just that funny of a read.  Well I had about 15 pages left and got up to use the restroom (see sentence above) and was not gone half a minute and came back to find a guilty looking pug and the remains of the book.

I guess he thought it was good too.

I stood there stunned.

"Seriously, this couldn't even wait to till I was finished"

And that it why we avoid all libraries and will most definitely never get to meet Liz Lemon.


  1. Ah, girl… And I wanted you to send me that book to read, haha!!!!! :) Did he go in pug timeout????

  2. Little Stinker! That is too funny! Totally sounds like something our Max would do!!
    Oh, I totally want to read that book now!

  3. Just discovered OverDrive, I'm hitting up all my friends for their library carded to use their accounts too. Didn't think I would like ebooks so much!


  4. Oh no!!!!

    This is on my list to read this month! It looks so good!

  5. Hello! I can't wait to get my hands on this book!I am so excited I found your blog today! I can't wait to go back and read your older post! I would be delighted if you would stop by my blog and tell me what you think! I am also having a giveaway you might like.

    Thank you NAt

  6. aww. my pug used to chew on my things. he once ate cd's, makeup brushes and anything else he could get his paws on. i've been wanting to get that book too.
