
Thursday, May 19, 2011

catch up

hey y'all...

i've missed you.  i honestly didn't mean to take a vacation from the blog and visiting blogs, but the time is seriously flying away too fast!!  i need it to slow down...i mean how is it almost june?  we've been busy with life.  we celebrated boy's 29th birthday last friday (gulp) and my 27th is this friday (double gulp).  this why i need time to slow down...i'm not ready for 27 yet!!  so we've been celebrating it up since boy took the week off which was well needed to catch up with family and friends, hang out at the lake and get some projects done around the house oh and can i add in morn the loss of my beloved sunday show "brothers & sisters" (i'll miss the walkers).

i started editing some pics off my camera tonight and found this one of pug watching boy kayak away into the sweet!!

be back soon!


  1. i've missed you and your pug! happy birthday to you and the boy. and i'm personally trying to figure out a way for everyone to stay the same age {us, parents, grandparents}

    i'll let you know when i talk God into that :)

  2. So glad you and pug are back! I just love pug!
    PS. Happy Birthdays!

  3. Happy Birthday to both of you!

    I love the picture of Pug it is wonderful!

  4. Happy birthdays!!! I am getting nervous for 27, too..Just not really ready for that! :)

  5. Welcome back!! Happy Birthday!

    I'm soooo bummed about Brothers and Sisters! Was the wedding the season finale?? So is that just it. It's gone forever! Ugh. I hate when shows end and it feels so unfinished!

  6. YAY You're back!! Missed ya! Happy Belated Birthdays!! Can't wait to hear what Pug has been up to as well!
