
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

royally different

Unless you live under rock you know the royal wedding is this weekend.  I indeed do live under a rock because I thought it was last weekend until my hair dresser was like "uh no it's next weekend dum dum".

I blame my confusion on the blonde highlighting chemicals. 

I don't know where I stand on my feelings for the wedding.  I'm not losing sleep over it much less polishing my tea set to use while watching it, but I also did not banish the Lifetime movie from being tivo'd or forbid we continue to practice our British accents to each other.

It did get me thinking about my wedding...almost six years ago (gulp) and how strikingly similar the royal wedding might be to our own humble country club wedding.


1. I'm pretty sure Kate won't roll up to the altar in a golf cart.  The folks on 18 we're exclaiming "look at that overdressed caddy popping xanax and sweating profusely!"

2.  I'm guessing that Kate and William will probably not have a chocolate fountain like we did.  Word on the bridal street is that is so last decade.  Which is a royal shame because you can't go wrong with three different melted chocolates cascading onto marshmallows and fifty people lined up to get their fix.

3. I'm also guessing their will be no mashed potato bar (served out of martini glasses btw) that was ever so scrumptious.   Again a tragedy because to this day we still have people tell us they dream of those mashed potatoes and boy and I hug them tightly and whisper "so do we".

4. I'm pretty sure their photographer and his assistant won't take a 90 minute break to sit down and enjoy a feast at the cousin in law table leaving a big gaping hole in the photo album.

5. I bet that their programs won't show up hours before their wedding because the company got confused as to the date of the event.  The date and time were on the front cover of the program..."oh what you actually want these programs for your wedding??"

6. I'm also going out on a limb in saying that when the bride and groom leave no one will yell out "get 'er done" either.  That would never get past Her Royal Highness.

Happy Royal Wedding Week!


  1. Haha! I love your comparisons!

  2. everyone should have a mashed potato bar! my gosh i'm jealous. and if i were kate, i would totally want to ride up in a golf cart. that's awesome :)

    and i will be so glad when this silly royal wedding is over and done with. i don't get what all the excitement is about...we don't live there!

  3. Hilarious! :)
    Some of my friends are having a royal wedding viewing party. Oh boy.

  4. I love that I remember everything you're talking about so vividly. (Including those potatoes!) Had no idea about the photographer though. How rude!

    PS - I've had a sip of the Kool-aid. I was watching TLC specials on the royals last night and swooning over how cute they are together. Just a sip! Won't be waking up at 4am on Fri.

  5. OMG! I love this. :)

  6. My brother commented that he was a little disappointed nothing went wrong at his wedding, no good stories to tell.


  7. get her done. LOL. ummm, mine was 3 years ago (almost) and we had a mashed potato bar too! i didn't even see it bc it was across the room from the other foods. we also took a carriage ride and got honked at + a number of other things.

    i'll be watching highlights and looking at photos online.

  8. you trip down memory lane while comparing what "won't" happen to Kate on her big day :)

    I am glad that your programs did end up making their entrance on time!!!!

    xx Cat brideblu
