
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

preparenting advice on aisle two

Yesterday I dragged boy to the grocery store with me to be mean and cruel. No actually he was willing because he's got some yummy smelling ribs in the smoker as we speak so he needed the meat. We were barely past the produce when I move my cart so a lady could pass me. Then I notice this lady is not alone and is soon followed by her young duckling who is about two seconds from a full melt down. I stopped bagging my bell pepper to watch this preschooler's persistence as she threw back her head and screamed "BUT I WANT IT!". Boy and I weren't sure if we were more impressed by this mama duckling's cool or the Oscar winning performance by said duckling.

And then when we thought it was all over here comes the third in the bunch, a defeated dad, who as he passes us stops and offers up some wisdom to boy..."Take my advice, do not have children".


  1. I bet he wishes someone told him that!

  2. I'd give you opposite advice. Though those moments do happen and you feel like pulling out every hair on your head ... without them you would miss out on some of the most beautiful examples of God's grace and love that I've ever witnessed! Without my kids I'd miss out on some very sweet moments, some very yummy hugs and kisses and so much more. So I'd say have them and just make sure that your trips with them to the grocery store are taken at times where they will not melt down :)

  3. thanks heather...your advice is much better!

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