
Thursday, May 28, 2009

miscellaneous bin

1. Have I told y'all how much I love Subway? I do and there is no other reason it's topped my list other than that I'm craving it right now. Oh and I also hold the title of the world's most boring Subway sandwich...white bread, ham, lettuce with zesty Italian. It never fails that one of the workers asks "why don't you just make this at home?" And I reply "please give me the bread recipe so I can"...oh that bread and it's deliciousness!!

2. Every time we get a precious letter from our Compassion child it sits out on the counter and gets read over and over till the edges get worn and then I carefully file it away for safe keeping until the next one comes. I have never been more wrong when I first thought we were doing the favor.

3. I missed Wipeout last night. Someone tell me was it just as funny as I remember?

4. I secretly love documentaries. Shh...don't tell anyone. I just watched Nursery University and Expelled and was fascinated with them both.

5. I visit this blog everyday. She finds some amazing deals and got me hooked on the site RueLaLa. They're having Fyre shoes on this next week and I am hoping they include some adorable and super cheap flat boots in the sale since I've been on the "Great Boot Hunt of 2007". This mission needs to be completed so I'm thinking happy thoughts on my cheap boots.

6. May is almost is this already? May is my favorite month. Then December, June, July, August, March, April, November, September, October, February, and January. Just in case you wanted to now.

Have a great weekend friends!


  1. Funny you mention Subway. I had it tonight. I can't believe there is no cheese on your sandwich. My "usual" is honey oat bread, turkey, mustard, lettuce, bell peppers, cheese (I mix this up - got swiss tonight), vinegar, salt and pepper and sometimes tomatoes if I'm feeling like it. Tomatoes are a new thing though. Just thought you'd wanna know...

    The blog you linked is awesome. I'm going to try my hand at the Burt's Bees.

  2. They find me boring at Subway too, I only get tuna on plain Italian with lettuce and American cheese, always that, only that, LOL!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love, love, love Subway. I really like the veggie sub. Yummy!

    Hubby & I watched "wipeout". I could not catch my breath because I was laughing so hard!!! Much better than last season :)

  5. mmm...subway bread... I think I've gotta go there now for lunch!

  6. Thanks for the money saving blog link. I didn't even know that such a site existed. Can't wait to go explore and get some freebies!

  7. your love for subway warms my 6-inch-sub-lovin heart. you are my kinda girl!

  8. We love wipeout and we are DVRin' it so we can watch it over and over again! I can't believe it is already June, almost half the year is gone!!

  9. #7 - have you ever watched any of the mockumentaries - like "Best in Show" "A Mighty Wind" etc?
    They are amazing!!!
    Or, for a really funny documentary - have you seen "Spellbound?" oh my gosh funny
