
Thursday, May 14, 2009

the one birthday photo

Boy's birthday was yesterday {happy birthday my love}. He had a wonderful day getting spoiled with love by pug and feed like a king with his birthday menu that included some Cap'n Crunch French Toast for breakfast, Jalapeno Stuffed Chicken for dinner followed by some chocolate cupcakes (not even from a box I might add...although I have to say I prefer La Bakery of Duncan Hines a little better).

But I woke up this morning and realized the only picture I took on his birthday was of his breakfast. And it's not even of him eating it. I started out with the intention of photographing the whole day, but didn't make it far.

How sad?

For years to come we may not remember what he looked like on his 27th birthday or what we did, but we'll know what he had for breakfast.


  1. You should have at least had 27 candles shoved in the breakfast sandwich so you know which birthday it was for!!! :o)

  2. happy birthday boy!!!

    can we get a recipe for Capt Crunch french toast?

    Oh and that's why I blog -- see you no longer have a photo -- you have a post!

  3. LOL!!!! Love it, haha!!! Happy Birthday "boy" :)

  4. Happy Birthday, "boy"!

    I hear you're comin to NYC soon. Try to convince your wife to come as well! ;) Haha. Kidding.
