
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the doggie daycare reject

This morning we were gracefully awoken to the sound of birds chirping and my roof being ripped to pieces (we had some hail damage earlier this spring). We knew they were coming but the snooze button kept calling and I told boy no one is ever on time. Guess what?... they were. At 8 am I was convinced 50 elephants where walking on it. By 9 a high school marching band had joined the elephants, but by 11 I became convinced the sky is falling and the pounding in my head will never cease.

It's noon and the workers are at lunch, which means I'm basking in the glorious sound of silence. I could cry it's so beautiful right now.

I knew it would be a noisy day and pug would be a mess so I enrolled him in a day of doggie daycare thinking it would be fun for him and then maybe he'd return exhausted. He's never been to doggie daycare before and now I know why when I saw what this is going to cost. So, I call to "enroll" him yesterday and the lady gets my information and tells me to bring a copy of his recent vaccinations. I also get the low down on all the days activities. Halfway through the converstation I had to double to check and make sure that we were still discussing dog daycare and not real child daycare because my dog has on occassion eaten his own poop and lived to tell about it so consistent supervision isn't completely necessary.

This morning boy took pug along with his shot records. 20 minutes later I get a phone call from boy.

"They won't let him into daycare"
"He has to have the bortedella shot every 6 months instead of every 12"
"But the vet has always told me every year and they never mentioned that on the phone"
"Well they want every 6, but they'll keep him he just can't play with any other dogs".

Oh brother, I can't even successfully get my dog into daycare. I'm going to have to call the vet and see why were getting shorted a shot though.

I am surprised I didn't have to write an essay along with his application.

Well, lunch is over.


  1. this made me laugh out loud! Poor pug!

  2. Poor pug! I hope he bounces back from the rejection with no long term effects!!

  3. So funny! I was told it was 1 year as well - that is crazy!

  4. Wow that's crazy. I looked into boarding our dog here once, and I was told they are in a kennel the whole time except they get taken out to the bathroom four times a day and one hour of time in a dog run. I might not be the best dog parent, but I'm not paying $75 a day for them to kennel my dog! Jerks.

  5. Oh geez...

    Have you ever seen Adventures in Doggie Daycare? One rainy lazy Saturday I watched a marathon. I think it is on WE or Animal Planet. It's hilarious though. Add it to your Tivo. The Visla is my favorite.

  6. Oh geez...

    Have you ever seen Adventures in Doggie Daycare? One rainy lazy Saturday I watched a marathon. I think it is on WE or Animal Planet. It's hilarious though. Add it to your Tivo. The Visla is my favorite.

  7. Wow! That's funny! They sure are picky!!

  8. Hysterical!!! How many days is the roof going to take?!?! I am saying a prayer for your sanity!
    I also want to know what all the activities are at doggie day care!!!

  9. this post made me smile.
    you could have been talking about child daycare the whole time. how ridiculous.

  10. What a lovely story you got here. To show love to your pet why not join and register at PETtell, it's a free social network for pet owners. You'll gonna luv it :D

  11. poor pug! That is a lot of a vaccination, I wonder the long term side effects of increasing the shots.

    I think our puppies would be the best of friends, too bad we don't live closer.

  12. To be healthy they old need it ever 12 months, but for most doggie hotels and daycares they ask for it every 6 just to be safe with their insurance.

    I went through this two years ago with Preppy Pug and my vet and doggie hotel.

  13. Hilarious!! You always make me laugh, poor pup!

  14. Who knew that getting your pup into doggy daycare would be so hard, haha!!! :O)
