
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I can't even come up with a clever title

Howdy y'all!

What have y'all be up to? (I should do a post and see how many times I can say y'all in it...cause seriously I say it A LOT).

So, along with it "being one of those weeks" and I'm in a bloggy funk. I took a little break. It also didn't help that the NCAA tournament is on. Go Jayhawks! If you do a bracket, how are you doing? We do a family bracket and go week to week. It's nice because there's a chance for a come back. I lost my 6 year winning streak last year to my dad so I'm hoping to reclaim the champ title.

Anyway, last night boy and I rented this.

Can I get the pic any smaller? It's "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" for those of us that are squinting.

Have y'all seen it? I won't spoil it because it's an excellent movie so do rent it, but seriously y'all this needs an Ugly Cry Alert on it and needs to come with a box of tissues. My word this was like twice as sad as "Simon Birch" and I cried for a week after seeing that! The Ugly Cry got so bad during the movie that pug sat behind me on the sofa and put his sweet little paw on my shoulder. Melt my heart are pets not the greatest!


  1. I have really been wanting to see that! Adding it to my Netflix right away!!

    My bracket, not so hot! Still losing to my dad but as long as Memphis does well, I have a chance!

  2. I don't know why I don't watch basketball because I played it my whole life in school and church I love it.

    The movie sounds good!

  3. I've been in a blog funk, too. I totally know how you feel.

  4. I have not heard of this movie. Will have to give it a watch :)

  5. I don't know if I can see this movie. We all remember "The Christmas Shoes" debaucle. I don't handle emotional movies well.

  6. I have not seen that movie, I don't think that I have even heard of it. My bracket busted when Illinois lost. I could care less this year cause my team didn't make it and it is just hard to get excited about the NIT but now that is over too. Hope y'all have a good night! :)

  7. Oh my I am going to have to see that movie. Simon Birch is waaaaay up there on my list. Thanks for the suggestion!

  8. My brother watched it and I made him tell me everything that happens. I almost cried just having him tell me about it! I can't bring myself to watch it right now.
