
Friday, July 5, 2013

five on friday

Hope y'all had a wonderful 4th of July.  By the way, do holidays that fall mid week throw anyone else off?  It so doesn't feel like Friday, Saturday maybe, but not Friday.  Gets me everytime ha!  So I'm showing up a little fashionably late to the Five on Friday Linky party.

1.  With nesting mode in full swing I busted out some craftiness and decided to spruce up one of the many plain white newborn kimono tees I have for Declan.  Love these tees and think we will get tons of use out of them the first few months.  I'm also loving the look of handstitched embroidery so I decided to give it a go.  Super easy not to mention cheap with thread being like .30 each.  It might need a matching hat now.

 2.  This being our first 4th out of suburban living we've learned that people go full out on the fireworks.  The pugs were quite frazzled by the end of the evening.  

3. Just finished "Revenge Wears Prada" the sequel to "The Devil Wears Prada".  Really fun read, it was also really hard not to envision Meryl Streep the entire time I read it or Anne Hathaway ha!  Perfect pool read for the summer.

4.  Normally, I do all my reads in one post, but I've only gotten around to one other and that was "The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom.  A must read...really enjoyed it.  Any recommendations on what to read next...looks like I have a few weeks left with my feet up.
5.  Y'all know I love me some Big Brother.  One week in and I'm hooked.  Any favorites to win

1 comment:

  1. know I'm hooked on every season of big brother before it even starts!! I really like Nick but cannot stand Gina Marie and feel like he needs to cut those ties if he's gonna do well. I kinda feel like Howard is like a sleeping giant in the game right now but that he will kick it into beast mode when he needs to! It is definitely going to be a great season!! Hope you're feeling well ~ excited for you to meet your little man!! =)
