
Thursday, July 11, 2013

{37 weeks}

we snapped a few maternity pictures and sure enough these two can't miss a photo op!
How far along?  37 weeks!
Weight gain: i quit looking.
Maternity Clothes? oh yeah.  i'm going to miss the elastic world of maternity pants
Stretch marks?  a few...very worth it though.
Sleep?  not so much. 
Best moment of the week? seeing baby declan on the sonogram this week.  also finding out he flipped and is no longer breech.  praise the lord! all that yoga really paid off.
Food cravings?  still chick-fil-a
Symptoms? contractions at night and the feeling that my hips are just going to fall off my body.
Gender?  baby boy named declan!
 What I'm looking forward to? we found out at monday's appointment that i am 1 cm dilated and 90% effaced and the doctor thinks it's unlikely he'll make it to the 31st (my original due date).  so we are on major baby alert.  after that appointment i've upped my nesting to full on crazy mode rushing around getting last minute stuff ready.  can't believe it's right around the corner.

nursery is finally done so check back tomorrow...i'll be giving a little tour!


  1. What amazing photos! And such an answer to prayers! So happy for you that Declan flipped. :-)

  2. Stunning!!! Love the pic with the "big brothers!"

  3. gorgeous pictures!!! so excited for you and can't wait to see the nursery! =)

  4. IN LOVE with those pictures!!!!!!!!! Your pregnancy flew!!!! Can’t wait to *meet* the little guy!!!!!
