
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

{31 weeks}

How is it already June?  It's so true that once you kind of get over the loveliness of the first trimester...then the rest just flies by.  I'm also skipping a few weeks on these posts because I can't get my act together.
How far along?  31 weeks
Weight gain: about 24 total
Maternity Clothes?  oh yeah!
Stretch marks?  a few...very worth it though
Sleep?  he's the most active at night so not a whole lot.
Best moment of the week?  we had a fun shower this week.  baby boy was spoiled and i had to post a picture of the was adorable.

Food cravings?  i made boy pull over for some mcdonald's fries the other day.  heaven.  i haven't had those in at least 5 years.
Symptoms? i've become familiar with the term braxton hicks.  he's also still breech so yoga has been my go to
trying to flip him.  next resort handstands.
Gender?  baby boy named declan!
 What I'm looking forward to? air conditioning.  ha!  texas summer is officially here and it is brutal on this preggo.  so i'm loving days in the pool or sitting under a fan.  we can't wait for him to get here.


  1. yay!! I love your updates!! girl..i SO feel ya on the whole pregnant through the summer thing!! I thought I was surely dying a slow heat induced death the last couple months of my pregnancy with Dylan! He'll be here before you know it ~ so excited for you!!

  2. EKKKKKKKKK!!!! You look so so GREAT!!!! LOVE the cake!!!!!!

  3. SOOO dang cute!

    I wanna see a picture if you do a pregnant handstand! :)

  4. You look so great, and that cake!! I bet it was delicious!
