
Friday, June 7, 2013

Five on Friday

Hello Friday...I'm so glad you're here!  Today I'm linking up for FIVE on Friday here.  I've loved getting to find some new blogs to read through this blog linky! 

1. So, I'm not watching the Bachelorette this season.  Nope I will not cave on this one.  I just can't bring myself to endure the drama.  I have, however, found a replacement for it.  Have y'all been watching Jimmy Kimmel's The Baby Bachelor?  I'm in love.  The cuteness is too much!

2.  I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning to pee for the millionth time and then obessesed about where to order in for dinner tonight.  Dinner of an 8 months preggo at her finest.  Baby and I came to a negotiation for a wich wich turkey sandwich thankfully.

3.  Speaking of food...I made a new discovery at Trader Joe's that I can't get enough of.  Their Pineapple salsa.  I don't do real spicy things and so the sweetness from the pineapple is perfect for me.  It's divine!  I'm thinking of busting out the crock pot and pouring this over some chicken breasts to cook for dinner one night.

4.  Back to baby talk...I need to start getting our hospital bags ready in the next few weeks.  I'm stumped on lounge wear for me to wear after having him.  Anyone have any recommendations of what clothing to pack?  I know it will be hot as all get out in July, but hospitals are usually pretty cold.  Would love to hear what worked for you.
5.  Hoping it cools down enough this evening to take these two on a little walk with me.  Or maybe I should say waddle.  About 10 minutes into the walk thankfully I'm not the only one panting and waddling home.

 Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there and thanks so much for joining in on the fun!!! I too am loving this link up and have found so many new blogs that are quickly becoming favorites!

    I'm dying over the Baby Bachelor! I had no clue that existed. Hilarious. And maybe, just maybe you'll cave in and start watching The Bachelorette? I know, it's ridiculous, but it's my one guilty pleasure! Ha!

    And that pineapple salsa!! What? I'm hitting up Trader Joe's next week (I've only been once, but am now obsessed too!) and will have to look for that!

    As for comfy things to wear in the hospital after your mini arrives (you're so close!!!), I would suggest some gaucho pants and a loose fitting top (or button up). Odd combo, I know, but the day after Jackson was born (late June, so the same weather you'll be dealing with!) I was so glad I backed a cute gingham button-up for nursing and some flow-y gaucho pants. I didn't feel horribly frumpy because I at least looked a tad bit put together and it was comfortable and worked well w/ nursing!

    Thanks again for joining our little link-up!! Loving your blog!!! (and your pups!) :)
