
Sunday, March 24, 2013

the one where we go without internet and tivo

Sorry friends, did not mean to leave you hanging from the last post.  We closed, moved, and found out that we're a bit out in the country and the whole internet and cable business isn't as eager to get you back to your Real Housewives addiction as the suburbs.  So, we've gone now two weeks and counting without internet and cable.  We also had a faulty dishwasher so I went 12 days without one of those too until Thursday.  To sum up the past two weeks I'd say this preggo girl has been roughing it.

But we are making progress on unpacking each day.  I sort of over did it that first week and ended up with a quick visit to the doctor and instructions to take it easy.  Those are tough words to hear when you're surrounded by mountains of boxes.  The pug's are loving it though.  And I promise to catch up more on the house and share baby boy's name once we get reunited with the whole internet business.

Until then I'm stealing internet from my parents while we get ready to cheer on the Jayhawks this afternoon.  Rock Chalk and have a great weekend!!   


  1. Glad you are ok. Definitely take it easy because once the baby arrives you never know when your next chance to do that will be. ;-)

  2. Whoo... you got a lot going on for a preggo woman :) Hope you get to relax soon.
