
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

it's a...


We are so excited!  We found out yesterday and honestly the night before you would have thought I was a six year old waiting for Santa to come on Christmas morning.  I think I got 3 hours of sleep total.  
Originally, I wanted to just have our doctor write it down and then take it to a bakery and then we could cut into the cake with family around to find out all together.  But then boy and I realized there was no way we could not find out immediately, so we decided we'd find out and then do a family gathering later in the week with a fun reveal.  But the grandma's would have none of that and protested a week of waiting.  So we had everyone meet up at Jason's Deli after our appointment and I had done up 2 batches of pink and blue cupcakes and we surprised everyone that way.  It was priceless.  It was so much fun and I'm relieved I don't have to go a whole week bursting at the seams to tell them, also I need them to help us move this weekend too!


  1. yay a little boy! how exciting :) Love the peeps too!

  2. So exciting!! Congrats!! Oh....and such cute cupcakes!!!


  4. At first, I was like, "its a peep?" that doesnt make sense! haha!!!

    I think you just found the baby's nickname!


  5. Yay! Congratulations!! Boys and their mamas are a special special thing!

  6. How exciting! Congrats on baby boy!
    PS. Good call not alienating your manual labor. ;-)

  7. Congratulations! What a HUGE blessing for you!

  8. Yay!!!! Congrats on your baby boy. My whole family had already told me it would be a boy (very sure of themselves I might add), so I didn't get to do anything fun. Just called and said..Yep, you are right :) I did have fun showing the sonogram where my boy was very very obviously proud of himself. Hilarious.

    Kitty+Coco Mom

  9. umm...can't believe i missed this!!! CONGRATS!!! Being a mama of all boys i can confidently say that it is so FUN!! So so so excited for you! And please say you are going to share pics of what you do in the nursery??!!

    don't remember when you said the move was but you've been on my mind the last couple of days! praying for you!

  10. Congrats!!! I would like to think I could wait to find out...but I am so impatient, it would be so hard for me too!
