
Saturday, February 11, 2012

parts of the week

sunday: we headed to my parent's for the night.  brought the dogs, but forgot the dog food.  got scolded for that (from the pugs).  watched the superbowl.  didn't watch puppy bowl.  landry can't handle watching dogs on the tv...or horses...or dancing m & m's.

monday: boy went with big daddy to the land.  i finished a book and got some work done.  mama and i caught up.  pugs destroyed her house.  had a playdate with the cutest one year old.  mama and i contemplated keeping him and his chubby thighs.

tuesday: pretty boring.  a trip to the grocery store without a list.  have i told y'all enough i hate the grocery store.  a bunch of other random errands.  began wasting my 7th year in a row of watching real housewives of oc, and i am very excited about that.  continued my mission to declutter house.

wednesday: headed to waco for ku game.  rock chalk jayhawk!  meet mom & dad there.  sat in the baylor section.  sat amongst a sea of green.  watched a great game (we won).  found the kid from modern family, luke's, doppelganger two rows in front me.  stopped for kolaches in west, texas on the way home.  a waco return trip tradition.

thursday: mama's birthday.  headed to downtown for an appointment.  another trip to the grocery store, which included an injury while putting a case of bottled water on the bottom of the cart.  didn't cry although i wanted to.  another appointment.  ate my weight in dove dark chocolate.  stepped in dog pee.

friday: cleaned. cleaned. oh and cleaned.  decluttered.  mama spent the night because she had a meeting close by on saturday.  loved getting to see her so much this week.  thought about changing out of my yoga pants and sweatshirt.  but didn't.  watched shark tank.  i'm very much loving this show.  early to bed.

happy weekend everyone!


  1. No food at the Super Bowl party?!? Poor pug and landry!

  2. So nice to hear of another pug or dog for that matter that goes crazy at the site of certain things on TV. Horses is probably second on our list coming in a close second behind dogs. No horse races or puppy bowls around our house either! Love the pug stories!!
