
Thursday, February 2, 2012

late night baking

i've discovered it is bad news to be pinning recipes late at night.

because before you know it you come across a recipe like this for cake batter rice krispies treats.

and then you can't stop thinking about how absolutely delicious is sounds at that very moment.

then as if it's just made to be you're bolting into the kitchen giddy with excitement when you realize you have all the ingredients already in your pantry.

pinning and eatting can be very dangerous friends.

but oh so delicious.  you must give this a recipe at try.

i'll add that since i'm lactose intolerant i made sure my cake mix was indeed dairy free and i used about 2 tablespoons of earth balance instead of butter.  turned out perfectly!

you're welcome.


  1. hahaha. i completely agree. pinning is dangerous. :) but those look delicious. delicious enough that i may have to make them tonight. and i blame you :)

  2. Oh my gosh I haven't seen that one! Looks amazing :) Definitely going to try those

  3. Mmm, rice krispy treats sound really good right about now!
    PS. I totally think pug and landry should get treats for the award, but I think us pugs should get treats every couple of seconds...

  4. oh yum! been wanting to try those. i LOVE rice krispy treats. i totally agree. pinterest kills me with all those desserts. im always wanting to make them... not good for the weight watchers diet.
