
Thursday, August 4, 2011

well boy howdy

A few days ago I visited one of my daily read blogs, Nesting Place, and as I scrolled down a picture caught my eye.  I was like "that looks familiar" and then it my word "that's my guest bedroom ruffle curtain!".  I about peed my pants I was so thrilled.

Speaking of pee.  Just an FYI, and this is a total hypothetical situation, if your dog decides to lift his leg and pee on your ruffle curtain.  Do not panic or's totally washable and will come out.  Just saying.

I've gotten some e-mails and comments saying there were going to try it, so if you do PRETTY PLEASE send me a pic. showing how it turned out.  I'm dying to see them.  I also saw an adorable shade of pink from walmart's sheet collection and am really hoping someone will give it ago.

So thank you Miss Nester for sharing my tutorial.  

Oh and did anyone watch "Picker Sisters" on Lifetime!  I am loving this show.  I adored Tracy on Extreme Home Makeover and they turn the most random finds into the coolest pieces.  And their southern accents had me at "y'all"!


  1. I may have sent this to you before, but I may have forgot. I made a "mini" ruffle curtain using your tutorial and I blogged about it here:

    Thanks so much for the tutorial and congrats on the feature!!

  2. I am loving Picker Sisters!!! I watched it Sunday and it is now set up to record every episode on my DVR. My kind of show all the way!

  3. Very cool curtain, and it seems so easy. I've filed it for when I need a's so cheap too, it's like changing the pillows to redo a room. Thanks!
    Christy (Payton's mom)

  4. What is "boy howdy"? Is that like "golly gee" or OMG?

    Also, congrats!! That is super exciting!

  5. Yay! How exciting! Love that curtain. so pretty

  6. Hi! I'm here from the Nester's blog. I absolutely love your ruffled curtain tutorial. Too bad I don't know how to sew, or I'd whip up a pair for our daughter's bedroom.

    Your blog name caught my eye immediately. We also have an pugalicious Pug who turned 4 this year....Tobe;) i was reading your post about his new bed and laughing cause our Tobe also drags his bed right into the family room. Hope you can stop by and visit us.

  7. Oh my word! Congrats on your feature!
