
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

sad faces

this weekend we said goodbye to our sweet 1st foster pug goosey.  i wish to tell you i sent him off like a dignified woman, but i did not.  i at least kept the ugly tears in until his forever family had driven away.  then we laid around all while complaining how our hearts had been riped out and stomped on and how would we move on.  we were quite a sorry sight i'm sure.

we are so grateful for the opportunity to have loved on him and get loved by him over the last month.  it took pug a little bit longer to adjust and bond, but once they did they became quite the dynamic duo often referred to as batman & robin, shake n' bake (talladega nights) and starsky & hutch.  many times one of us would say let's just keep him and i'm pretty sure when they left i said call them back make him an offer.  but as tough as the good-byes are i know we're where we need to be.  there are so many pugs in need of homes and even in places to live before they find their forever homes so were following this for now.

here are some pictures i took right before we said good-bye...already some sad faces all around.


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Such a sad and happy day all at once. I can see pug's look of disappointment. Make sure to give him extra kisses (and treats) to make him feel better. That should make you feel better too!

  2. Bless your heart......look at that sad face. I'm pretty sure I would have locked the door on his forever family and irrationally refused to give him up!

  3. Those are the sweetest sad faces I have ever seen! It is because you have such big hearts for these pooches that you were so rocked by this. I hope you feel better. Love you!

  4. That's why I couldnt foster ANYTHING - I'm horrible at goodbyes. We had to dogsit our Pastor's dog for 2 weeks while he was on a mission trip. When he got back, I was just like, "Can I buy her?" - I cried for days letting her go...

  5. Your puppy is adorable!!!

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