
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

low key

i know it's already tuesday and i'm a little late on a weekend recap, but this past weekend was just wonderful!!  i'm so grateful for days like this where it's laid back yet productive and we have beautiful weather to top it off.

i got an itch to paint.  someone please stop me next time because now my whole body hurts.  but i love the color and the fact i got it all done in two days makes me even more thrilled.

then i recouped with this book.  love a good read!

we rented this movie...which i may be a sissy but the way they filmed it made me totally dizzy.  so i just followed along with the dialogue with my eyes closed trying to stop the spinning. 

then we grilled having the grill up and going again!

hope y'all had a wonderful weekend too.


  1. new follower here! the title of your blog roped me in...i love pugs!! i also read House Rules and it is one of my favorites! so funny!

  2. Grilling is one of my favorite parts of spring/summer!
    I loathe painting - so glad you were able to get it done!

  3. Sounds like the perfect weekend!!! :)

  4. We are looking forward to a "low-key" weekend this weekend! They are the best!
