
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

left behind

boy and i have this conversation over and over...

me: hey, why don't you take pug with you when you head out the ranch.

boy: let me think about it...nope.

me: please.

boy: no, i think he really wants to stay.

me: no, i think he really wants to go.

boy: he might get bite by a snake.

me: but you've told me their are no snakes out there.

boy: (silent) he likes to tell me their are no snakes out there so i'll come more willingly.

it always ends the same with pug staying and watching lifetime with the women folk.  this last time before boy and big daddy headed out to the land to do lots of manly hunting things i put pug in the back of the truck.

surely they wouldn't notice.

see he really wants to go.  look at that excitement.

and then they noticed.


  1. so did they kick him out of the truck? Hope he got to go enjoy "boys day out" ;)

  2. Aw, poor Pug. Totally not fair. Gonna turn that boy into a sissy pug. Next time, put him in one of those hunting dog suits!

  3. bless Pug's heart! he needs bonding/outdoorsy time too!

    no one needs that much lifetime...

  4. Poor Pug...although, if he's anything like our preppy pups...he would prefer a day of leisure over outdoor explorations! LOVE the pics!

  5. That's a tough boy, to be immune to the pugs sad pushed forward ears.


  6. awww, he definitely wants to go! my husband won't take our pug anywhere. but i don't blame him...he's a pain in the butt in the car!

  7. Awwww!!!

    Pretty sure my hubby cannot say no to that lil' squishy face and curly tail!
