
Monday, May 18, 2009

"maybe she just doesn't like awesome guys"

**Spoiler alert** Don't read any further if you haven't finished tonight's Bachelorette yet.

Eh, it's the The Bachelorette friends! So, I went back and forth on "to watch or not to watch". Last season was just so disappointing, but on the other hand as my mama brought up it is Jillian and she is such a Canadian sweetheart. I have no expectations for this season though. In fact, I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than of another Bachelorette relationship working out...and I've never purchased a lotto ticket.

So this will be fun! I'm anxious to hear what y'all thought of the guys? All 30 of them. Oh my word so many names. I don't think I can get them all straight. So forgive me if I start calling them by the color of their shirt...hint the man in the obtrusive lime green button down.

I got a little sidetracked during the show because pug decide to ralph sometime around the introduction of Greg the "fitness model" (anyone catch his nickname) and Leather Jacket Kyle. I guess loser guys make him sick. Single ladies out there feel free to borrow him for your next date. If he doesn't ralph within the first 10 minutes you're good.

So, here's some thoughts on what we've learned from tonight's episode.

1. If you are appearing on the Bachelorette and your wardrobe choices are between a biker's leather jacket and suit jacket...always pick the suit jacket. Safest choice.

2. I'd like to go shopping with Jillian. Loved her dress, and her top at the beginning, and her boots in the limo. Jillian where'd you get those boots.

3. Julien and Jillian sound like a Nick Jr. program.

4. If all you can discuss is feet on a network primetime show you might need some help. It made me nervous the amount of energy put in to check out her feet and then discuss them. I sense a Lifetime Movie idea! Poor Jillian...she needs to be clued in on Tanner Foot Fetish.

5. My favorite line tonight is the title of this post. Thanks Stephen for the great laugh.

I thought she kept some great ones tonight. I loved David. I kind of wanted to cry when he didn't speak I was so nervous for him. Great choice for the first impression rose. I thought Jake, Juan, Wes and Sasha were just adorable! I can't think of any of the others right now...who were some of your favs?

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!


  1. If I ever go out on a date again I'm taking your dog. Too funny.

  2. love the pug.

    And gulp - I watched - part of it. Until I gave husband control of the remote!

  3. You know i watched and i posted my thoughts on my blog too! I am cracking up about the lime shirt....a little over the top!

    Never would have thought of Julien & Jillian as a Nick Jr program but that is hilarious!! =) Greg's nickname...Billbro! He provided some good laughs!!

    My faves were Jake, Wes and Kiptyn! Should be a good season!

  4. yay for your bachelor/bachelorette posts!!!

  5. Oh my word. There are so many thoughts. I loved that Greg "hug it out" Bilbo is gone - although a lot of entertainment could have come out of him this season! Precious few of them knew how to dress properly and if anyone talked about my feet that much on the first date I would find any dog I could that could throw up all over him!
