
Friday, May 15, 2009

girl vs. sun

This blonde Irish girl decided to get into a duel with the sun yesterday.

Guess who won?

The sun.

Each year around this time I seem to underestimate the power of the sun when I say "I'm just going to sit outside for an hour and get some color!"

My face didn't burn but my arms and shoulders make it look like I'm wearing a permanent white Gap tank top now.

Maybe one day I'll learn.

But until then I'm befriending a bottle of aloe vera (oh it's so wonderful) while boy continues to ask how the Cayman Islands are this time of year.

Have a great weekend friends...and don't forget the SPF!


  1. Oh, sunburns are terrible! I hope it goes away quick!!

  2. I have to admit I am kinda jealous! I need some sun on me!! Aloe it up girl!

  3. I am cracking up about the Cayman Islands!!!!
    Put your aloe in the fridge!

  4. Awww, girl..... I do the same thing!!!!! :O(

  5. My daughter's skin is the same way!
    My baby however, gets nothing with just a 15 on!! I hate sunburns! Hope it heals quickly!
