
Monday, March 2, 2009

the finale



I'm not sure if I just got finished watching "The Bachelor" or "Jason's Just Not That In To You"? Seriously, which one was it?

I'm so just going to dive into "The After the Rose Finale" because really it's like a giant backstabbing elephant in the room. The begging two hours where like a giant blur.

So, last week a bunch of spoilers where popping up all over the internet and because I have NO patience I read them all. Must know now!! But I did take them all with a grain of salt and kind of got suspicious that they weren't true after seeing Jason on "The View" last week. Then after such a sweet and romantic proposal to Melissa I'm thinking, oh no maybe it's true that they broke up in the last few months.

But knock me upside the head I'd never pin Jason for being one to break up with someone on national TV. Is this Maury or Ricki Lake we're watching? Poor Melissa. Whatever happened between them in the last few months I do not feel she deserved that as an exit. I get it you don't have feelings for her, you messed, things changed yada yada. But for crying out loud knock on her door at home and break up with her, e-mail her, text her, but please don't do it while the girl you're going to try to get with is in the other dressing room. Jason, Jason, Jason!! I really hope for the sake of feelings it was staged a bit.

Then Molly so willing took him back. Girlfriend think twice about this...the man has a track record going on. My tivo is showing they're going to be on a couple talk shows this week, so I'm curious to get some more details.

But wasn't it great seeing DeAnna? That was just fun. Like a little reunion. Was anyone else thinking, couldn't you have just called him and saved yourself some jet lag? But that wouldn't have been as dramatic.

So, I'm worn out now. But y'all it's been a blast getting to chat with everyone on this after each episode...wish we could have had a nice happy normal ending.

In conclusion...Jason is a poopy head.


  1. Even though I did not like Melissa at all...and I can totally see why he changed his mind...

    NOT ON NATIONAL TV...that was too much. He should have broken it off way before the show or even right before the show...but not on the show. UGH poor Melissa.

    I do hope things work out for Jason and Molly though. I know I am the only one who liked her...but I picked out Molly and Jillian the very first night.

  2. As much as I hate it I really think this was staged. Jason did not look like himself last night. And Melissa did not act as hysterical/mad/upset as I think she would have. Molly did look very shocked though. I can not believe that Jason would break up with someone on TV!!!! AHH! I have no other words to waste on this show.

  3. Haha, I agree! A poopy head he is, lol!!!!! I was totally shocked, as I’m sure the rest of America was!!

  4. I dont see how Melissa stayed so calm... I would've been crazy girl right there! I totally would have kept the ring too! :-)

    I didnt like seeing Jason kissing someone else 5 minutes after breaking off his engagement... that was very low....

  5. Yeah! This was ridiculous! I felt so stupid for actually watching it! I was rooting for Melissa the whole time and was so excited when she was picked and then shocked when he dumped her on national TV. I think Molly knew and did a good stage act! She and Jason seemed so weird! UGH..I am so bothered...LOL

  6. For real!!!!!
    The whole thing was ridiculous! Molly is stupider than I thought!!!

  7. I think it was staged - it all just seemed too scripted!!!!

    But even if it was - AWFUL!!! Melissa did not deserve that! I really wanted her to punch him.

    And yes, I agree with you about Jason, but I say he is a GIANORMUS POOPY HEAD!!!!!!!!

  8. couldn't agree more!! This was so staged too, I mean really. That boy has some issues to work on! I said that same things as you!

  9. My personal opinion, not that anyone asked, is that Melissa is crazy!

    The whole deal is crazy, and I'm hoping Jillian is, in fact, the next bachelorette. I didn't read any spoilers at all, so I was shocked!

  10. It says on MSNBC that the "contract" that he signed said he had to break up with her on t.v. and he was devastated that he had to do it there and not in person. Don't you sign a contract before you do something???? If that's the case how did they know that he would even break up with her???? He got on my last nerve last night with all that crying. Gosh every time you turned around he was teared up about something. He's a big ol' weinie head !!!!!

  11. I love your header. I also think it may have been staged. Never really had the feeling until this episode. However, if not I hope Jason gets 10 fold the hurt he gave Melissa. It is one thing to break up with a girl but to do it on national television. My heart broke for her when she told him about taking being engaged from her. I never looked at it like that before :(

  12. He is definitely a poopy head. haha
    Found your blog from Lauren's and just wanted to agree totally. Horrible thing to do - just awful!
