
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The After After After...

So I figured something out tonight.

I (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) have now been watching The Bachelor for 4 hours this week and it's ONLY Tuesday.

Sad I know.

I told myself this morning that I was not going to blog about tonight's After After After episode or whatever it's called. Nope that's it this girl is done. I said that sometime after I was watching HGTV while running on the treadmill and go figure that old show of Chris' came on..."Designer's Challenge". If you've never watched the show (very good I might add) but Chris' narrates while a family picks a room in their house they want redone and 3 professional designers come in and present their plans and the family picks 1. Sounds a little familiar doesn't it. Only their are no roses and no feelings being stomped on! So, I start running a little faster because it reminded me how awful last night was for poor Melissa and that Jason still makes me so mad.

Anyway, I caved. Because I heard "Bachelorette Announcement".

I'm weak.

So, I sat and watched the whole hour. Which really turned out to be a candlelit recap of yesterday's fiasco for anyone that may have been stuck in a hole and missed it. Then some of the ladies returned to give us their take...come on Stephanie no that's not cool. Then he got an applause. It was a good thing I was not there because I would have boo'd him. Then Chris informed us that Melissa declined to come...way to go. Good move. Oh, and then Jason informed us on how he has found his "best friend" (I thought he didn't believe in that) and how he had to fall his heart.

Okay, so I get the follow your heart thing. Find the one that you can spend the rest of your life with, but dear Jason that's not the issue. It's how it was done and protrayed to the whole wide world. Just follow your heart without breaking anyone's. Could he not have waited a day to do it in private?

But, Jillian is the Bachelorette which I am ever so excited about. Have I mentioned I love when she says 'again'.

That's it promise. I'll post about the real world tomorrow.

Night y'all.


  1. I'm excited about Jillian being the next bachelorette :)

  2. lol at your 4 hr realization!! When you put it like that i guess it is kinda sad!! Soooo stoked that Jillian is the next bachelorette...will definitely be tuning in!! I'm gonna miss the tuesday bachelor chat fests but we only have to wait a couple of months before we get to start it all up again!!

  3. I was still mad at Jason too about the whole Melissa thing and no one in the auidience even really acted that upset! What's wrong with these people?!? Ha, well I'm just glad Jillian is the next Bachelorette! She is too cute!

  4. Hoping Jillian finds a REAL MAN! (Loser Jason, I mean you!)... but am excited for her! Wish Melissa could be the Bachlorette though!

  5. I am so glad that Jason didn't choose Jillian because she has much better character than obviously he does!
