
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

when mantle ideas go bad

Yesterday when I stopped over to say hello to the parentals I made the mistake of knocking my mom's decorated home off it's axis.

She showed me this clock that belonged to my grandfather that she hung up in the dining room and I might have rattled off some something like...

"Well now it's thrown off the whole room and you need to replace that picture over there with a big mirror and add a scroll thingy above it to fix it. Easy enough."

"Well, what do I do with the picture?"

"How about you put that picture above the mantel because I've never thought the other looked that good?"

Big mistake because my mother realizes her mantle hasn't been cutting it the last 3 years. MUST BE FIXED. So, we do some switching around and decide the picture is looking better, but it needs something else. We tried out a couple of options, but honestly we've hit unknown territory. WHY ARE THESE MANTLES SO DIFFICULT? So, dear bloggy friends would you be ever so kind to lend us some assistance to get me back on the family will and allow my dad to stop pretending to care what the mantle looks like. Ignore the glare, her point and shoot wasn't cooperating.

So we gathered up some stuff that she owned to play... the first two show a lamp which would need some more weight too it. What would you add? We're leaning more towards the vase but maybe a little skinner and taller? What color would you do? Or is the picture too big? Tear it apart friends!

Thank y'all for your suggestions!


  1. The lamps on the mantel kinda blend right in. It's almost like you need something with a bigger burst of color on the mantel. Maybe even a shiny gold lamp - something in a contrasting color. Otherwise - lovely fireplace/mantel!!!!

  2. I like #3 ... the lamps blend in to me

  3. I like the last one but I am not alot of help here b/c I am having mantle issues myself these days. BTW the mantle is beautiful!

  4. Beautiful mantel! I 'm still having issues with my mantel after two years of living here! Um, maybe you should upload a picture to they rate your space and give you ideas!

  5. Delurking today with a few suggestions. I like the vase best because it is a light enough color that it "pops" All of that gorgeous woodwork is causing the lamps to shrink in to the background. Try stacking some books and then setting the vase on them to give it some height. Look for something light colored and round - like a plate or a platter for the other side.
    I think we make mantles way more difficult than they need to be because we want so badly for them to be spectacular! It really isn't any different than a pretty sofa table. The Nester had a great post yesterday with some good suggestions - check this out:

    I hope that helps! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  6. I like the big vase... I think you can put something on both sides with a bright vase - even if its taller - I love that picture there though... its a beautiful mantel!

  7. I vote for #1 or #3. It's a very pretty mantle regardles!! And it was so sweet of you to help your mama's home gets back on it's axis. :-)

  8. honestly? At first glance, I didn't notice either of the lamps up top.
    Love the ones on the bottom - and I'd put the vase top left to counterbalance the little lamps down right.

  9. Oh. and my interior decorator friend says that you're supposed to put things in groups of three.
    Don't know why. That's the rule...

  10. I like the first idea of a shiny gold lamp. I think that would look really cool. :)
