
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

guacomole always makes things better

So, today I had to run out to the store. On the way out I swung by my parents to say hello and pick up a rather large bag of Central Market's flour tortillas that my mom grabbed for me on her last run. Friends, these tortillas are might delicious if you have a Central Market near you. So, yes we stock pile ridiculous amounts tortillas in our freezer and pretend it's normal.

Then, I'm heading back home chatting on the phone and what do you know I look in my rear view mirror and I'm getting pulled over.


Is it just me or does anyone else get extremely nervous being pulled over? And no I have nothing to hide.

So, I'm sitting on the side of the road (with a suspicious amount of tortillas beside me) waiting for him to come to the window while trying to A. Not cry and B. Stop shaking. I suddenly realize I've only had a half of a sad protein bar for breakfast and it's now 5:00 so that's probably not helping the nerves any. But the sweet officer probably thinking I was late to a mexican fiesta only gave me a warning for my absent front bumper license plate. It flew off during an accident 3 years ago and apparently it does need to go back on despite the collison repair place morons that insisted it did not. So whew.

And yes, I stopped at a mexican resaurant on the way home for some guacomole to go with a few of those tortillas.

It was a good day.


  1. You are so lucky! I ALWAYS get a ticket if I get pulled over. And when they pull me over it's always for doing like 5 miles over the limit. Ughhh.

    Good for you! And yay for guacamole!


  2. Nicely done....gotta love when they just give a warning! I totally know what you mean about being nervous when you get pulled over and i always feel silly about it but can't help myself! And i'm loving the guacamole theory!

  3. Oh man... I bet you were nervous... You should have offered a tortilla to him....

    What a motto though - Guacomole always makes things better... I love it!

  4. Yay for just getting a warning! I hate getting pulled over too:) Love some guacomole!!

  5. Yay for a warning! And guacamole!

  6. I don’t care what you’re getting pulled over for, it’s always nerve wrecking. I’m soooo with you on the Guacamole, I LOVE me some guacamole!!!

  7. I am the SAME WAY....when I have been pulled over I shake uncontrollably and it doesn't stop for hours even afterwards!!! (I have nothing to hide, either!!) Mexican DOES cure all ills, though!

  8. Aww you poor thing! Yes I too have nothing to hide but get SO nervous! However it's been awhile!

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  10. i havent been stopped by a police officer in years. but right now, i am tempting fate. my blinkers havent worked for 3 years now. and my tags have been expired since NOVEMBER. AND....i drive a red jeep.


