
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

oh pug

I was always under the impression that dogs slowed down as they aged.  

Until I met pug.  

Nine years y'all...nine years of these shenanigans of his.

I don't know if I was really that surprised when the other day I walked back into the kitchen after changing Declan and discovered pug had pulled off a sack of flour (in a ziploc bag) from the shelf off the pantry and then tore into it.  And I guess either him or his faithful watch dog (Landry) ran around leaving little flour paw prints all over my wood floors.  It took forever to clean this up.

Who wants a pug for Christmas?


  1. How can you ever get angry at that face?

    If you ever need some carpet stain removal tips for any mess caused by your dog, you can check this post out.

  2. It must be such a joy for nine years of fun. We just love the face like I didn't do it. Thanks for sharing the lovely post. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
    World of Animals
