
Monday, June 30, 2014

happenings is it seriously the last day of June already?!?  I just love the summer months and a few weeks ago had a near melt down at Hobby Lobby with all the pumpkin decorations and Christmas garland going up.  Seriously?  Can they just give me till August so I can enjoy the 100 degree temps in peace before I start thinking the holidays. 

Also, my kid turns 1 in 18 days?  Shut the front door.  Thankfully, planning his party is a good distraction from curling up in a ball weeping about how big my baby boy is getting.  Is this a normal?  I'm just praying I can keep it together the day of his party.  Can't wait to show some pictures of his party planning.  I'm going with a Declan's 100 Acre Wood theme and it's turning out so sweet.  Can I just give a huge shout out to pinterest on that one!

Also, very excited Big Brother started last week.  Anyone else watching?  I do believe this is going to be a great year!

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm watching it!!! I love Frankie. Hope he stays a good dude. & I already hate the meat head paranoid guy... Donny is my favorite though. His accent is adorable :)
