
Sunday, November 3, 2013

book shopping

I really tried this past month to carve our a little time for me to sit and read.  Even if it was just a page or two at a time while he napped I felt like it did a world of difference for me because I was missing it so.  Hopefully, I can keep it up and we can discuss our reads more often once again.

So, here's my reads:

"Cuckoo's Calling" by Robert Galbraith aka JK Rowling:  I have only read one other thing by Rowling and that was book #2 of the Harry Potter series.  Don't ask how that happened.  And I just never got around to the rest.  All the hype about her actually being the author behind this book and because I do enjoy a good crime novel I decided to give it a chance.  I'm torn though.  Keep in mind that I read this at a very tiring time in my life and over a long period of time so even though I did enjoy the story I felt like it was drawn out more then it needed to be.  If I could of sat down and read more at a time though I might have feel differently.  I like that she didn't stop at the Potter series though and has branched into a new genre.

"Where'd you Go Bernadette" by Maria Semple:  I just finished this this week after seeing so many recommendations for it on pinterest.  Very cute and witty.  The author really keeps you engaged and it's a fast read.  It would make a good travel read if your going away for the holidays.  I'd definitely suggest it.

And that would be all of it unless you could "12 hours of sleep by 12 weeks" a riveting read on newborn sleep ha!  I've got a few on my maybe list to read next but would love to hear your suggestions before I pick up something new.

1 comment:

  1. I read Where'd You Go Bernadette? when I was on vacation this summer and loved it. I also read Beautiful Ruins and really liked it as well.

    Try The Rosie Project. It's light, funny, and cute so it is a good one for a sleep-deprived mom. ;)

    xoxo, M
