
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

declan's birth announcement: i can't decide

So I'm just now getting around to putting together Declan's birth announcements.  Better late than never right?  Once upon a time I was an organized person.  I love getting birth announcements and am so excited to send them out for the first time.  I received an email from Tiny Prints about their adorable birth announcements and could not be more thrilled to use them for Declan’s announcements since I am head over heels in love with their designs.  So much so I can't decide which one is my favorite.

Will you help me?

I put together my favorites.  His newborn pictures where taken by the talented and oh so lovely Christy Nickell Photography.  I love all the black and whites she took, but felt like I've got to show off that red hair for the announcement picture.  Thanks for voting...we'll see which one is your favorite on Monday and then I'll get these ordered and mailed out.

::poll at the top of blog::



  1. I can see why you are having a tough time deciding. But I think my favorite is option 3.

  2. they really are all sooo cute!! i voted for #3 but geez ~ i can see why you're having a tough time choosing!

  3. I was torn between 3 & 5 ... but went with 3... I like the close up pic & the details - clean to read.
    You can't loose with any of them though :)
