
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

from the trenches of new mommyhood

Greetings from the trenches of new mommyhood where I allow myself a pat on the back if we can make it through the day without getting peed on during a diaper change, manage to put on deodorant and a dog didn't eat a disposable breast pad from the trash.  Then we celebrate.

I am absolutely loving every minute of motherhood and soaking it all up.  This kind of explains the lack of blogging and pictures.  Last week we also had a scare when we had to put Declan back in the hospital because his bilirubin was so high.  My poor sweet little man is such a trooper.  Having to just sit there and watch him under the lights and not get to cuddle with my sweet boy was torture for boy and I.  Thankfully, it was just one long night with me probably crying more than he did and we were home. 

 Daddy stealing some cuddles during feeding breaks from the lights.

So that's were we are almost 2 weeks in.  I'm hoping to sit down and blog his birth story while it's still fresh in the next few days.  Until then I'm off to find a shower and a nap.


  1. Congratulations! Declan sure is precious ...

    We hope he is feeling better!

    Love, Ellen
    Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  2. Sweet boy! So glad his bilirubin is better and I know that was scary for mom and dad.

  3. AH!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SWEET!!!!!!!

  4. Motherhood -a whole new world - huh? :) Congrats!!! Excited for new baby pictures posted... I love watching blog babies grow up in front of my eyes :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He is soooo precious!!! Dylan had to stay an extra night in the hospital because of his bilirubin levels and then we had to take him in every day for 2 weeks until they came down enough ~ and i'm with you....seeing them laying there under those lights and not being able to hold him or cuddle him was TORTURE! So glad your little guy is doing better!!
