
Friday, June 14, 2013

first father's day

Are you ready for Father's Day?  I've had Father's Day on my mind for awhile now.  This is boy's first Daddy-to-Be day and with Declan's arrival coming up just next month I really want to make it memorable and special for him. 

I was recently introduced to, which is is the same folks as Tiny Prints and Shutterfly. Treat allows you to go online and personalize a card for just about anything to your liking and even add pictures or a gift card.  Then they print it up and will ship it to you to hand out or send straight to the recipient.  I was honestly thinking this would be more along the lines of my obsessive Printshop days from the 90's, but I was so wrong.  Right away I found a whole section of Father's-to-Be cards that were adorable and actually had to narrow it down in options.  I had checked our local card stores, but found maybe one or too that were so so, so I had passed on them.  I love that they thought of everyone.  So, this might be my new go to for cards.  I know I pay more even at the grocery store for a card and with baby boy on the way adding pictures to cards is going to be a huge bonus.

This is the one I picked.  I love it!  And to have Declan's sonogram picture in it melts my heart because of course this first Father's Day card will make it into the baby book.

Also, boy's getting a little goodie bucket I put together.  

It's all things for snuggling on the sofa together and watching football.  So, I included a few burp rags that I made with some leftover fabric, a plush rattle football and some snacks for daddy.  Not a whole lot, but I know my husband has been dreaming of these football days with Dec, and this will kick those memories off to a fun start!  I'm also hoping I can make it till Sunday without busting open the twizzler bag!!

And next year will be even more exciting with a baby.  I'd love to hear what your Father's Day traditions or plans are.  I'm going to have to load up on ideas for next year and would love to hear some of your favorites!

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own.  A huge thank you to for providing us with the card.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet!!! Love the snuggling & football bucket idea ~ super cute!! Hope y'all have a great weekend!!
