
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

i heart the bluthes!

I feel like I should be really embarrassed about this, but I'm not.

I am over the moon-counting down the days-pumped that one of my all time favorite shows is coming back the end of this month..."Arrested Development".

Insert me squealing. 

Boy and I have a deep love for this show and it was such a shame it was taken off the air too soon.  This is one of those shows that is so quick witted and has such a brilliant cast you can't help but watch it over and over.  But pinch me I'm dreaming that netflix is releasing the 4th season at the end of this month.  Happy birthday month to me!

Source: via Bianca on Pinterest

Oh and I should probably also include my excitement that Boy Meets World is coming back at the end of the year.  I mean what kid of the 90's did not live for TGIF and Corey and Topanga?  Very excited that this is coming back too...I'm just pretending that it seriously has not been 13 years since it was on and I am really getting that old.

Now if we could just get a "Friends" reunion going all would be right in the world.


  1. I never watched it... but the excitement that everyone is talking about? I've got to go find the past shows & catch up!

  2. Such a great and silly show.
